Charlotte Wessels feat. Simone Simons - Dopamine Text

Songtext zu Dopamine

Colors don't look as bright as they used to, no
Music don't feel the same as it used to, no
Love is still good but not like I'm used to
No one makes me feel
No one makes me feel like you used to

I need some dopamine
And I need it now if I'm to keep going
Dopamine, and I need it bad
Feel it rushing through my head

Summer doesn't taste the same way without you, no
I thought I wouldn't feel the pain without you, no
Sun-kissed lips don't kiss the same no more
'Cause no one makes me feel
No one makes me feel like you used to

I need some dopamine
And I need it now if I'm to keep going
Dopamine, and I need it bad
Feel it rushing through my head

If I could have the peace and not feel so numb

I'd give my kingdom
Dance and love till the rising sun
I'd give my kingdom
Try to remember how I melted at your touch
Now I'm dying, just trying to get off

I need some dopamine
And I need it now if I'm to keep going

If I could have my peace and not feel so numb
I'd give my kingdom
I'd give my kingdom

We could dance and love till the morning comes
I'd give my kingdom
If I could have my peace and not feel so numb
I'd give my kingdom
I'd give my kingdom

We could dance and love till the morning comes
I'd give my kingdom
I'd give my kingdom

Simone Simons & Charlotte Wessels - Dopamine Songtext

zu Dopamine von Charlotte Wessels - Dopamine ft. Simone Simons Lyrics Charlotte Wessels - Dopamine ft. Simone Simons Text Charlotte Wessels & Simone Simons - Dopamine Tekst piosenki Dopamine Charlotte Wessels Dopamine Liedtext
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