Songtext zu Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese)
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Ele é mestre no que faz
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Chocolate bom demais
Modesto, esperto e inteligente, ele consegue ser
Com tanta generosidade, é difícil se conter
Se conter, se conter, se conter, se conter...
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Num instante vai se apresentar
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
Genial, não dá pra superar
O chocolateiro vai surgir
É meio amargo, mas sorri
Willy Wonka vem aí!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST) - Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) Songtext
zu Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) von Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST) - Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) Lyrics Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST) - Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) Letra da Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) da Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST) - Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) Text Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST) Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese) textoNoch keine Übersetzung vorhanden.

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Wonka's Welcome Song (Brazilian Portuguese)
Songtext von
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OST)
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