Camila Cabello - ​​pretty when i cry Text

Songtext zu ​​pretty when i cry

[Verse 1]
Put on my best dress to see you
You're sorry, baby? Me too
You should see me like this when I leave you

At least I'm pretty when I cry
Pity you don't want me
Pretty in this light
Glitter fallin' off me
Pink and blue, diamond eyes
Look at what you lost to me
I'm still pretty when I cry
Pretty when I cry

[Verse 2]
Pretty when I cry
Hot when I ride
Look this good out of spite
And burn it in his mind
I'm like, "Everything, everything cool as ice"
You just didn't wanna do me right, that's nice
And I'm in the mood to fight, let's fight
Ah, yeah

Ooh, ah (Oh yeah)
Make my brown eyеs blue, ah (Oh yeah)
Crazy déjà vu, oh yeah (Oh yеah)
Okay, I'm dancin' over you, ah-ah

At least I'm pretty when I cry

Pity you don't want me
Pretty in this light
Glitter fallin' off me
Pink and blue, diamond eyes
Look at what you lost to me
I'm still pretty when I cry
Pretty when I cry

Pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)
Pretty when I, pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)

Unlimited when that sun sets, unlimited, oh, yeah
Unlimited when that sun sets, unlimited, oh, yeah
Unlimited when that sun sets, unlimited, oh, yeah
Unlimited when that sun sets, unlimited, I'm still

Pretty when I cry (Yeah)
Pity you don't want me
Pretty in this light (Yeah)
Glitter fallin' off me
Pink and blue, diamond eyes
Look at what you lost to me
I'm still pretty when I cry (Yeah)
Pretty when I cry

Pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)
Pretty when I, pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)
Pretty when I, pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)
Pretty when I, pretty when I, pretty when I (Ah)

Camila Cabello - ​​pretty when i cry Songtext

zu ​​pretty when i cry von Camila Cabello - ​​pretty when i cry Lyrics Camila Cabello - ​​pretty when i cry Text ​​pretty when i cry Camila Cabello ​​pretty when i cry Liedtext
Camila Cabello ​​pretty when i cry Letra de ​​pretty when i cry com Camila Cabello
Album: C,XOXO (2024)

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