Songtext zu By My Own Hand
[Verse 1]My skin is stained and I don't think the same
As I did when I was only 18
I hate me now for who I was then
It's time for new friends
But I'll beg for the last of your chances, mm
I get closer and closer to changing my face
But the scars on my skin, they all still remain
I got sober and older, I've done all I can
To change who I was and to be who I am
I've been held down by my own hand
I've been held down by my own hand
[Verse 2]
Tell me things that I've heard before
I chose to ignore every truth that they told
Now I'm here haunted by history
The ghost of my misery
But I'll beg for the last of your chances, mm
I get closer and closer to changing my face
But the scars on my skin, they all still remain
I got sober and older, I've done all I can
To change who I was and to be who I am
I've been held down by my own hand
I've been held down by my own hand
I get closer and closer to changing my face
But the scars on my skin, they all still remain
I got sober and older, I've done all I can
To change who I was and to be who I am
I've been held down by my own hand
I've been held down by my own hand
I've done all I can
To change who I was and to be who I am
Cameron Whitcomb - By My Own Hand Songtext
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Album: Quitter - EP (2024)
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