Songtext zu Hypercolour
Driving on the endless open roads
All the places that I used to know
Running through the endless open blue to hypercolour feeling taking hold
Driving through the endless open blue to all the places that I used to know
Smoke rings running through my mind when visions in mind start to grow
How I feel when I go again
How I feel when I go again
Driving on the endless open roads to
All the places that I used to know
Where hypercolour feeling when I go back again
How I feel when I go again
How I feel when I go again
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind (how I feel when I go again)
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind (how I feel when I go again)
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind (how I feel when I go again)
How I feel when I go again
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind
Endless open wide road running through the sky
Hypercolour blue and the summer in your mind
How I feel when I go again
How I feel when I go again
CamelPhat feat. Yannis, Foals - Hypercolour Songtext
zu Hypercolour von Yannis, Foals & CamelPhat - Hypercolour Lyrics Camelphat, Yannis, Foals - Hypercolour Text Hypercolour Camelphat, Yannis, Foals Hypercolour LiedtextCamelphat, Yannis, Foals Hypercolour Letra de Hypercolour com Camelphat, Yannis, Foals
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Hypercolour Songtext von Camelphat, Yannis, Foals
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