Brodka - Come To Me Text

Songtext zu Come To Me

Why don't you hide me
In your mounting wave
Lakes rise inside me
But I can't bring the rain

You're the river that flows
And it carries me wherever you go
Let it temper my lips
Pour me into the source of your lust

Come to me I see
Water me, carefully fill me
Take a hold of me

Why do I cannot to resist it

All I need is a hideaway
Diving deep in your currents play

Run through my geyser
Ripple through my streams
Wet lips pierce shyly
And you can feel them freeze

You're the river that flows
And it carries me wherever you go
Let it temper my lips
Pour me into the source of your lust

Come to me I see
Water me, carefully fill me
Take a hold of me
Why do I cannot to resist it

All I need is a hideaway
Diving deep in your currents play

Dreams flood my mind
Down by your riverbed
See the water shines
Let me immerse my hand

Brodka - Come To Me Songtext

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