Songtext zu Go Home
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Hurry, hurry, hurry
When I see you
You are as firm as winter soil
But warm
You are real
You are the world that greeted me
When I was born
You built our home
And all that I owe this life
Was built into its frame
(hurry, hurry)
Up from below
But to the dust return before my debt was paid
And how are you gone?
Didn't the world turn on the armor
Of our home
Weren't you holding up the sky
With limbs of stone
How are you gone?
When I left you
I was a penny tossed onto an iron rail
There wasn't anywhere
But a busted casket
And a bed of nails
And how are you gone?
Didn't the world turn on the axel of our home
Didn't your laughter stoke the fire that kept us moving on?
How are you gone?
Was it as simple as a jealous man?
Was it as facile as the raising of his hand?
Was it so easy?
To utter a command
And lose the toothless lion
On the noble lamb
Why didn't the Earth embrace them where they fell?
Why didn't the store ring out their final dying yell?
Why didn't the whole of nature come collapsing down?
To bury that god damn bastard in the deepest hell
And what do you do
When the people that you love
Are torn from you
And there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do
Oh ho!
No it's not as easy as it sounds
Oh ho!
There is a lion in your house
Oh ho!
If you can't get in the door, then bar the windows
Burn it down and listen to the roar
Oh ho!
Now there's no home to go back to
Oh ho!
While she's waiting there for you
Oh ho!
With a knife in your hand
There's nothing you won't do
There's nothing you won't do
There's nothing you can do
That she won't understand
There's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do
Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants - Go Home Songtext
zu Go Home von Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants - Go Home Lyrics Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants - Go Home Text Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants - Go Home Tekst piosenki Go Home Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants Go Home LiedtextBroadway Cast of Water for Elephants Go Home Letra de Go Home com Broadway Cast of Water for Elephants
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