Bring Me The Horizon - R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Text

Songtext zu R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx)

Let's motherfucking go-o-o

[Verse 1]
Did my back hurt your knife?
Do you think you're bulletproof?
Go chat shit all you like
You and I both know the truth

Plot twist, I don't give two shits
About you or whether you exist
Trippin' if you think there'll be a happy ending

Still alive but you're dead to me
There's voices in my head that'll never leave
Wish I could forget all these memories
I don't know why you keep diggin' your own grave, no remedy
Out your fucking mind in a fantasy
Your therapist is gonna need some therapy
You and me are done, so see you later, punk

[Verse 2]
In a bit mate, it's been fun
In a near-death kind of way
But it's people like you, darlin’
That give humans a bad name

Plot twist, I don't give two shits
About you or whether you exist

Trippin' if you think there'll be a happy ending

Still alive but you're dead to me
There’s voices in my head that'll never leave
Wish I could forget all these memories
I don't know why you keep diggin' your own grave, no remedy (Let's go)
Out your fucking mind in a fantasy
Your therapist is gonna need some therapy
You and me are done, so see you later, punk

Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
See you later, punk, R-I-P
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Make me the villain if you want
Guess there's no cure for a—
So keep your name out my mouth
'Cause I wouldn't wanna smash that pretty glass house
Still alive

But you're dead to me
A parasite, you're a heart disease
So stay the fuck away from me, yeah
No, there's no remedy
Out your fucking mind in a fantasy
Think your therapist will need therapy
But you and me are done, so see you later, creep

Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
See you later, punk, R-I-P
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
So see you later, punk, R-I-P

We've gathered here today to honor the memory of ****
And although they are no longer with us
They live on in our thoughts and in our hearts (To confess me?)
We will start today's ceremony with a few words from a dear friend

Bring Me The Horizon - R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Songtext

zu R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) von Bring Me The Horizon - R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Lyrics Bring Me The Horizon - R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Text R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Bring Me The Horizon R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Liedtext
Bring Me The Horizon R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) Letra de R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) com Bring Me The Horizon
Album: POST HUMAN: NeX GEn (2024)

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