Branko Galoić - Million ways Text

Songtext zu Million ways

There are million ways
That I could go
There are million stars
That I could know
But you drive me crazy
And you give me peace
It's in your smile
What I can not miss

Rain is falling
Back in to the sky
An I keep falling
Back in to your arms
The ships are sailing

Back in to the shore
And I keep coming back
Coming back for more

There are million ways
That I could choose
There are million ways
To sing this blues
But you drive me crazy
And you give me peace
It's in your smile
What I can not miss

Rain is falling
Back in to the sky
An I keep falling
Back in to your arms
The ships are sailing
Back in to the shore
And I keep coming back

Coming back for more

Nay nah nah nah...

Branko Galoić - Million ways Songtext

zu Million ways von Branko Galoić - Million ways Lyrics Branko Galoic - Million ways (English Version) Text Million ways Branko Galoić Million ways Liedtext
Branko Galoić Million ways Letra de Million ways com Branko Galoić
Album: Danse de la liberté (2021)

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