Songtext zu Me
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I'm not as pretty as her
She's not as funny as me
I will never be that thin
She will never be this curvy
I got a new dress
She'll never wanna wear
I think about what they think and she doesn't seem to care
I will never be that tall
She will never be this small
She can never do what I do
I can't do her vibe at all
She will never been this cool
I will never be that hot
Lucky is that lucky does
We're happy with what we got.
I will never be you
You'll never be me
So many things that I'll never be
L. O. V. E.
I can never be you
I can only be...ME
I would never do that
You'll never do this
We'll never be them
They'll never be us
While you do you I'll be busy being me
I'm not as slick as you
You're not as rough as me
If I am Coca-cola, man, you're totally Pepsi
I will never be an ocean,
You will never be a wave
You will never blow it all and I will never learn to save
I wanna wear your boots, so I can walk a mile.
I wanna
You can never compare an apple to a pear
A kick to a snare
A wasp to a bee
While you do you
I'll be busy being me
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