Bones - Tru2DaGame Text

Songtext zu Tru2DaGame

[Hit the ground?] fuck your [?] your fuckin' [door?]
[Hit the ground?] fuck your [?] your fuckin' [door?]

True to the game, game, motherfuck the fame, fame
When I hit the graveyard, I will be the one the game, game
Skeleton bang, bang, my gun can do the same thing
Gonna be mo' than bullets shells, droppin' in the Range, Range
Body rot, body rot, see yo silly ass talk a lot
Hop the whip, then I drop the top, poke yo ass, then I pop the Glock
You're talkin' to a pistol (He chopped like a body shop)
I figured out what could miss you ([?] partner went body rot)
The D, the E, the A, the D, to the B, to the O-Y-S
That's everyday, I drop it off and I evade

I'm out the way, I'm in the shade
I'm twistin' haze, I'm feelin' crazed
My mind is glitchin' for the blunt smoke
If it's a problem then it's gun smoke
Mask on, trick-or-treat, I'm waitin' at your front door

TeamSESH DeadBoys

Bones - Tru2DaGame Songtext

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