Bodyjar - Not the Same Text

Songtext zu Not the Same

[Verse 1]
Think of all the things I do
And I still hold the thought of you
With someone else I know it's true
So far away

[Verse 2]
And I can only hold my breath
And start to die a lonely death
With you and me and all the rest
So far away, yeah...

Don't say I told you so

One thing you'll never know

You're not the same
You've changed
I don't need you anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday

You're not the same
You've changed
I don't need you anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday

[Verse 3]
I can't hold it back you see
I know it all comes back to me
You must have practiced hard to be
So far away

[Verse 4]
Never wanted me to show
Just write me off I let you go
And now there's more for you to know
So far away

Don't say I told you so
One thing you'll never know

You're not the same
You've changed
I don't need you anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday

You're not the same
You've changed
Something's missing anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday
That I believed in yesterday

Don't say I told you so
One thing you'll never know

You're not the same
You've changed
I don't need you anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday

You're not the same
You've changed
I don't need you anyway
You're not the person that I believed in yesterday
That I believed in yesterday

Bodyjar - Not the Same Songtext

zu Not the Same von Bodyjar - Not the Same Lyrics Bodyjar - Not the Same Text Not the Same Bodyjar Not the Same Liedtext
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Album: How It Works (2000)

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