Blues Saraceno - Evil Ways Text

Songtext zu Evil Ways

Its been so long
Long hard days
They dont say
Gods change my ways
Change my ways
Those evil ways

So I set out
Cross that way
Strike them down
To make them pay
Change their ways
Their evil ways

But I can’t hide
And I won't hide
Oooooo Yeah!
My Evil Ways

I found out
The hate grow cold
The god rise up
Damn my soul
Cause I ain't change
Change my ways
I ain't change

So I won't hide
I won't hide
I can't hide Yeah!

I can't hide HEY!
My evil ways

(Long Solo)

Well I can't hide
And I won't hide
Ooooo yeah!
Well I can't hide
Ooooo ouh!
Caus’ I can't hide
My evil ways

Blues Saraceno - Evil Ways Songtext

zu Evil Ways von Blues Saraceno - Evil Ways Lyrics Blues Saraceno - Evil Ways Text Evil Ways Blues Saraceno Evil Ways Liedtext
Blues Saraceno Evil Ways Letra de Evil Ways com Blues Saraceno
Album: Dark Country (2015)

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