Songtext zu Blue Street
It's funny how our lives are like a prize fightOne day you're up and then you get knocked down
But I have learned the hurt can end
We can come up smelling like a rose again
Blue Street is a place that's in my past now
A few blocks down, but not too far away
It's time to take another turn
Go to a place where memories won't burn
'Cause there's a signpost hanging over the horizon
Waiting for me like an open door
I don't wanna walk down Blue Street, I've been there before
I don't wanna see her broken, lonely eyes no more
I don't wanna walk down Blue Street, I've been there before
I don't wanna see her broken, lonely eyes no more
I'm walking down the Avenue of Peace, now
I'm not swaying from the course I take
Lily white the flowers bloom
The sun is guiding every move I make
I'm not thinking of that old and lonesome Blue Street
It's a few blocks down, but not too far away
Time has come to take another turn
And leave her in the past to die and burn
'Cause there's a signpost hanging over the horizon
Waiting for me like an open door
I don't wanna walk down Blue Street, I've been there before
I don't wanna see her broken, lonely eyes no more
And I don't wanna walk down Blue Street, I've been there before
I don't wanna see her broken, lonely eyes no more
And I don't wanna walk down Blue Street, I've been there before
I don't wanna see her broken, lonely eyes no more
BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS - Blue Street Songtext
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Album: Brand New Day (1977)
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