​​blink-182 - No Heart to Speak Of Text

Songtext zu No Heart to Speak Of

[Intro: Matt Skiba]

[Verse 1: Matt Skiba]
Photographs of you are still haunting my halls
Still framed and blue, say nothing at all
Sacrifice myself, leave me dead in the sun
Put it on a shelf, leave it there for everyone to see
Is that all you have, is that all you have to say?

[Chorus: Matt Skiba]

Lying on the bedroom floor
Hanging on the words that you said before
No heart, no heart to speak of
Dying on the bathroom floor
Thinking of the life that we had before
No heart, no heart to speak of

[Verse 2: Mark Hoppus]
Nothing left but scars, clawed away at my heart
On a crumbling edge, watch me falling apart
Feel the birds of prey circle over our home
Vultures in the ash, separating skin from bone
Is that all you have, is that all you have to say?

[Chorus: Matt Skiba]
Lying on the bedroom floor
Hanging on the words that you said before
No heart, no heart to speak of
Dying on the bathroom floor
Thinking of the life that we had before

No heart, no heart to speak of

[Bridge: Matt Skiba, Mark Hoppus]
And I think one day
And I think one day
We'll both just fade away
And I think one day
We'll pay for our mistakes
And I think one day
I'm gonna slip away

[Chorus: Matt Skiba]
Lying on the bedroom floor
Hanging on the words that you said before
No heart, no heart to speak of
Dying on the bathroom floor
Thinking of the life that we had before
No heart, no heart to speak of

​​blink-182 - No Heart to Speak Of Songtext

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