Blake Tyler - Can't Walk On the Water Text

Songtext zu Can't Walk On the Water

Devil on my shoulder
Shot the angel down
The black wolf with the blood-shot eyes
Stole the white wolf's howl

The furnace in my soul
Can't burn enough to save
Calloused hands keep lugging coal
But darkness finds a way

I can't walk on the water
And my kinfolk ain't no saints
I was raised in between heaven and hell
But hell broke through them gates

And try and try like a lost dog might
Claw into the kings castle at night
The master whistles at the break of day
And darkness finds a way
Finds a way

I can't see the road less traveled
Under endless trampling feet
Saw a man shot dead, before my eyes
Bastard said he was in his seat

The snake living on my tongue
Whispered in my ear
He said if you wanna get ahead
It's kill or be killed round here

I can't walk on the water
And my kinfolk ain't no saints
I was raised in between heaven and hell
But hell broke through them gates

And try and try like a lost dog might
Claw into the kings castle at night
The master whistles at the break of day
And darkness finds a way
Finds a way

He said if you wanna get ahead
It's kill or be killed round here

I can't walk on the water
And my kinfolk ain't no saints
I was raised in between heaven and hell
But hell broke through them gates
And try and try like a lost dog might
Claw into the kings castle at night
The master whistles at the break of day
And darkness finds a way
Finds a way

Blake Tyler - Can't Walk On the Water Songtext

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