Black Sabbath - Into The Void Text

Songtext zu Into The Void

Rocket's engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the night sky they blast
Through the universe the engines whine
Could it be the end of man and time
Back on Earth the flame of life burns low
Everywhere is misery and woe
Pollution kills the air, the land, and sea
Man prepares to meet his destiny

Rocket's engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the black sky so vast
Burning metal through the atmosphere
Earth remains in worry, hate and fear
With the hateful battles raging on

Rockets flying to the glowing sun
Through the empires of eternal void
Freedom from the final suicide

Freedom fighters sent out to the sun
Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution
Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
Find another world where freedom waits

Past the stars in fields of ancient void
Through the shields of darkness where they find
Love upon a land a world unknown
Where the sons of freedom make their home
Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves
Leave them to their future in their graves
Make a home where love is there to stay
Peace and happiness in every day.

Black Sabbath - Into The Void Songtext

zu Into The Void von Black Sabbath - Into The Void Lyrics Black Sabbath - Into The Void Text Into The Void Black Sabbath Into The Void Liedtext
Black Sabbath Into The Void Letra de Into The Void com Black Sabbath
Album: Master Of Reality (1971)

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