Best Youth - Into the Blue Text

Songtext zu Into the Blue

Came for the crown
Aimed at the stars and missed
I turned around
For you


Merry go-round
There’s nothing more to this
Spiraling down
And i’m still trying to fake it

If i let the heart decide
I’ll follow you against the tide

And i can’t do that
I can’t do that
I can’t do that
I can’t do that

Forward dive into the blue
Everytime you win i lose
And i can’t do that
I can’t do that
I can’t do that
I can’t do that

Give my mistakes a holiday
Built up the confidence
To make them stay away

Even the weight day after day
Then when it falls again
I feel the pull

It’s pulling me your way

The day you broke my heart
I found a different hue
I’m never going back
Never going back
Into the blue

Can’t do that
Dive into the blue

Best Youth - Into the Blue Songtext

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Album: Everywhen (2024)

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