Ben Böhmer - Slow Wave Text

Songtext zu Slow Wave

An apparition
Sight unseen
Looking like me
Rash impulse
Feel my pulse
Like a defect in the system

I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
I'm fading in real time
I'm fading

I'm fading
I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
I'm fading in real time

So savage
Take control
Am I being too dramatic?
Rash impulse
Feel my pulse
Like a defect in the system

I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
(Slow wave)
I'm fading in real time
I'm fading
I'm fading

I must be dreaming
I must be dreaming
(Slow wave)
I'm fading in real time

I'm fading in real time
I'm fading in real time

Ben Böhmer - Slow Wave Songtext

zu Slow Wave von Ben Böhmer - Slow Wave Lyrics Ben Böhmer - Slow Wave Text Ben Böhmer - Slow Wave Tekst piosenki Slow Wave Ben Böhmer Slow Wave Liedtext
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