​beabadoobee - Coming Home Text

Songtext zu Coming Home

You do the dishes, I'll carry the load
To make up lost time
The trash to the brim and I'm scared of it
But you always know just what to say
And I'm sorry if I'm coming home too late

I'm waking up to the gap on my blinds
Peeking sunlight
I'd do anything just to be with you
To sit and watch you slowly wake
And I'm sorry if I'm coming home too late

A hotel room only means I'll be with you soon
An American state makes me feel so far away
So, I promise this time I won't be late
And a bar on the roof's not a good way to leave you too
And a seat on the plane only shows that we're miles away
So, I promise this time I won't be late

I'll do the dishes, we'll carry thе load
Because we havе time
I emptied the trash like I said I would
And you'd never guess what I have to say
I'm not sorry 'cause this time I won't be late

​beabadoobee - Coming Home Songtext

zu Coming Home von ​beabadoobee - Coming Home Lyrics ​beabadoobee - Coming Home Text Coming Home ​beabadoobee Coming Home Liedtext
​beabadoobee Coming Home Letra de Coming Home com ​beabadoobee
Album: This Is How Tomorrow Moves (2024)

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