BB Bean - Bianca Stratford Text

Songtext zu Bianca Stratford

You can call me Cameron
Like it’s love at first sight
I got a hole in my heart
From a book I didn’t write
Got a pocket full of fries
Guess I’m only getting eyes for you
And I don’t know what to do about the
Fact I couldn’t date her
Not now or even later
‘Cause her sister plays a strat
And the whole school kinda hate her
But it really do not matter
I don’t care if I sound kinda lame

Or if I maybe sound insane about the

First name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye
‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye


You see that girl just walkin’ by
She’s kinda fly, I wouldn’t lie
She barely knows that you’re alive
I’m sure it’s fine, yeah, I don’t mind
‘Cause I’ll dress to impress and hope she don’t tease me
Knot in my heart, it’s making me queasy
Know where to start, it barely seems easy
Walk on by, I almost stop breathing
Can’t believe that we share this air
Can’t believe that you almost care
Can’t believe I can’t help but stare

‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye
‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye

Yeah, B-I-A to the N-C-A
Yeah, what are you doing here today?
Let's go hang out, girl, whatchu say?
Whatchu say, whatchu say, whatchu say, whatchu say
I know your daddy say you can’t date
But it’s okay, you know that I’ll wait
‘Cause you and me, you know that’s just fate

‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye
‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye

‘Cause her first name Bianca
The last name Stratford
Only pretty girl I would
Wear a fancy hat for
Anything she’s asking
As long as I can be by her side
I got Bianca in my eye

BB Bean - Bianca Stratford Songtext

zu Bianca Stratford von BB Bean - Bianca Stratford Lyrics BB Bean - Bianca Stratford Text Bianca Stratford BB Bean Bianca Stratford Liedtext
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