Bat for Lashes - Home (Single Version) Text

Songtext zu Home (Single Version)

Never feeling is endless
I'm flying I'm flying with no propellers
Too much on the line to risk the win
So I won't let the doors close within
The morning, the morning just turned to evening
The mirror, the mirror can tell that I'm leaving
The pain is just too strong to hold in
I'm on my way so don't change your pin

So baby, I'll come home
So baby, I'll come home
So baby, I'll come home

See I don't know where we're going
I'm caught up, I'm caught up, lost in the moment
Who knows what's the best thing to do
All I know is this life is cruel

Imagine, imagination is greater
You gotta, you gotta believe, never waver
As clear as the water, I see this blue
Will never stop me from getting to you

So baby, I'll come home
So baby, I'll come home
So baby, I'll come home

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
I know, I'm on my way home
I'm on my way
I'm on -

I'm on my way home
I'm on my way
I'm on my way home

Bat for Lashes - Home (Single Version) Songtext

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