Bastille - Seasons & Narcissus Text

Songtext zu Seasons & Narcissus

Love's the madness on the breeze
Just one look, I’m falling like the leaves
Laying tender at your feet
I think you'll be the death of me

Seasons melt away
Constant change, nothing feels real
But laying face-to-face
Life's upside down, head’s over heels

Is this real love I'm falling in? 
Keep falling in
Is this real love? 

I think it is
Do you think it is?

You never suffer no fools
Can't help but feel that gives me hope
Is this real?

It's a greedy, selfish love
Just don't care about the world above
Let the voices echo on
'Cause your reflection's all I want

Seasons ebb and flow
Life rolls by while we waste away
Let the flowers bloom below
'Cause you’re every night and I’m every day

Is this real love I'm falling in? 
Keep falling in

Is this real love? 
I think it is
Do you think it is?

You never suffer no fools
Can’t help but feel that gives me hope
Is this real?

Don't understand it, oh
Don't care that time just keeps on marching on
Can't comprehend it, oh
Bad news and voices just ain’t sinking in
'Cause nothing around me seems to get me down
And I'm the type who always seems to get down
Don't understand it, oh
But I kinda like it, oh-oh-oh

Is this real love I'm falling in? 
Keep falling in
Is this real love? 
I think it is
Do you think it is?

Bastille - Seasons & Narcissus Songtext

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