Bastille - Blue Sky & The Painter (Greenpeace version) Text

Songtext zu Blue Sky & The Painter (Greenpeace version)

Left a trace, on my lips
Do you always run away when it gets wild?
Bitter sweet, fleeting bliss
Guess I haven't felt electric for some time

Feels like a new rush, new rush flowering
Oh like a break in the ice
Felt like the clouds got tired of opening
Oh I ain't seen light in a while

Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time
Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?

It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time

Wide awake, from the breeze
How the hell did I gеt so numb to desire?
Mix the paint, on thе page
Because I ain't nothing without joy and sorrow's fire

Feels like a new dawn, new song, ringing out
Oh this bitter peace in my mind
Felt like the stars got bored of coming out
But oh, I caught them up there last night

Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time
Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time

Woah oh
Would I be who I am without the sadness in me?
Would I be who I am without the sadness in me?

Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time
Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time

Is that a blue sky? Is that a blue sky?
It's about damn time, yeah, it's about damn time
Woah oh

Bastille - Blue Sky & The Painter (Greenpeace version) Songtext

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