Bad Company
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Songtext zu Bad Company

A company,
Always on the run.
A destiny,
Towards the rising sun.
I was born six-gun in my hand,
Behind a gun, I'll make my final stand.
That's why they call me...
Bad Company. I can't deny,
Bad Company, until the day I die.
Until the day I die.
Until the day I die...

Rebel souls. Deserters we've been called,
Chose a gun and threw away the sun.

Now these towns, they all know our name.
Six gun sound is our claim to fame.
I can hear them say...
Bad Company, and I won't deny.
Bad. Bad Company, until the day I die.
Until the day I die...

Hey hey, Bad Company, I can't deny...
Bad Company, until the day I die.
It's Bad Company. Oh yeah yeah.
Bad Company, until the day I die.

Till the day I die
Oh Yeah
Tell me that you are not a thief
Oh But I am bad company
It's the way I play
Dirty for dirty
Oh Somebody
Double-crossed me

We're Bad company
Kill in cold blood

BAD COMPANY - Bad Company Songtext

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Album: Bad Company (1974)

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