Songtext zu Someday Soon
[Verse 1]
They ask me to describe the pain
Aching or cramping, just give it a name
So we can prescribe you somethin' strange
And if it doesn't work, then you're probably to blame
Does it hurt if I grab you there?
I don't know how to answer 'cause it hurts everywhere
And I would say the truth, but I wouldn't dare
I don't think that my body is up for repair
Someday soon you'll feel fine
Your problem's not as bad as mine
You're still so young
It's dumb to whine
Are you medicated?
Stop getting so frustrated
All these symptoms you just created
Oh God, I feel violated
[Verse 2]
I guess it's time for another test
I'm running out of options, but they swear this one's the best
Answer is inconclusive, I should've guessed
Now they tell me all I need is to get some rest
'Cause someday soon you'll feel fine
And your problem's not as bad as mine
You're still so young
It's dumb to whine
Are you medicated?
Stop getting so frustrated
All these symptoms you just created
Crying by myself again
Begging for some kind of end
You say I'll heal, I'm wonderin' when
I'll stay isolated
I'll stay unmotivated if you think my words are exaggerated
Well, I'll still feel violated
Baby Bugs - Someday Soon Songtext
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