Ava Max - Salt TEXT

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Songtext zu Salt

[Verse 1]
Oh-oh, I got breaking news
And it's not about you, oh-oh
Oh-oh, I've been breaking hearts too
And I learned it all from you, oh-oh

I got my thigh highs on feeling like Wonder Woman
That's when you want all me, but I'm not your woman
When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe
That's when you want me most, oh-oh


I'm all out of salt, I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt, tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight

I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt

[Verse 2]
Oh-oh, when I'm 'bout to celebrate
Push my head into the cake, no more
Oh-oh, you're the snake pulling my arm
Like my snakeskin sail around, oh-oh

I got my thigh highs on feeling like Wonder Woman
That's when you want all me, but I'm not your woman

When my lipstick pops and I feel like Monroe
That's when you want me most, oh-oh

I'm all out of salt, I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt, tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight

I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt

Not gonna c-c-cry
Not gonna c-c-cry
Not gonna c-c-cry

I'm all out of salt, I'm not gonna cry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight
I'm all out of salt, tears are running dry
Won't give you what you want
'Cause I look way too good tonight

I'm all out of salt
I'm all out of salt

Ava Max - Salt Songtext

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