Ava Max - Lost Your Faith Text

Songtext zu Lost Your Faith

[Verse 1]
You think everything is over and it's all my fault
Yeah, I know you don't feel safe
I can tell that every time you look into my eyes
Believe me baby, I feel the same

We're different than yesterday
In the worst kind of way
And all our love, it must have gone to waste

I used to have you on your knees all night

But now you never pray
And when you looked at me you saw the light
But now you've turned away
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
You used to hold me in a holy place
But now you've lost your faith

[Verse 2]
Lock your phone like a secret room
Like a place only you can go
Who you think you're trying to fool
True colors come out when you're drunk and alone

We're different than yesterday
In the worst kind of way
And all our love, it must have gone to waste

I used to have you on your knees all night

But now you never pray
And when you looked at me you saw the light
But now you've turned away
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
You used to hold me in a holy place
But now you've lost your faith

Hear that call, it's temptation
Leaving bruises around this sacred space
Inside my head, divine intervention
'Cause I know where religion is said

I used to have you on your knees all night
But now you never pray
And when you looked at me you saw the light
But now you've turned away (But now you've turned away)
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
You used to hold me in a holy place
But now you've lost your faith

Ava Max - Lost Your Faith Songtext

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