Aurora Aksnes - To Be Alright Text

Songtext zu To Be Alright

I know I belong here on earth
But I long to be lifted up
My heart does not rhyme
The rhythm of my mind
What is life worth living
If you can't dance to anything?
Night after night
Oh I long to be alright

I want to feel it
To feel it
What the people talk about
How do you find it

So easy
And all I can is ask
But whatever you say it's never right
So I won't do that
(You cannot make me feel a thing)
And wherever I go, I'm always blind
So I lose my track
(You cannot make me feel alright)

How I hunger for touch
How could you say that I love too much
I don't want to fight
I just want to feel alright
What is life worth living
If you don't bleed for anything?
Night after night
Oh I long to be alright

I want to feel it
To feel it

What the people talk about
How do you find it
So easy
And all I can is ask
But whatever you say it's never right
So I won't do that
(You cannot make me feel a thing)
And wherever I go, I'm always blind
So I lose my track
(You cannot make me feel alright)

I love it
I believe I love it
I believe I love it
Nobody can make
Me feel something
I believe I love it
I believe I love it
Nobody can make
Me feel

I don't want to fight
I just want to feel alright
I don't want to fight
I just want to feel alright
I don't want to fight
I just want to feel alright

What is life worth living
If you don't dance to anything?
Night after night
Oh I long to feel alright

Aurora Aksnes - To Be Alright Songtext

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