Songtext zu Earthly Delights
First you made for me a river
So I would have water
Made for me a garden
So I would have earth
I'm so lonely
So lonely
When everything dies
Can you stay with me?
Could you give to me desire?
So I would have fire
Fill my lungs with air
I'll be a perfect lover
I'm so lonely
So lonely
If everything dies
Why can't you love me?
And when time at last consumes me
Broken and unholy
Let my body wander
Far away from here
You make for me a portal
Eyes warmed up with sorrow
You always envied mortals
'Cause we can leave
There is no god in here without me
My dear
When everything dies
Will you be lonely
So lonely
So lonely
Aurora Aksnes - Earthly Delights Songtext
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