August Moon & R3HAB - Taste (R3HAB Remix) Text

Songtext zu Taste (R3HAB Remix)

That's right

Need more hours in a day (Day)
Focusing on your waist
I got a lot of energy for you, uh
Need more minutes of your time (Time)
I wanna be your tribe
So I got us both a room for two

You're such a masterpiece
That's something we should celebrate
Tell me you'll never leave
'Cause I've been thinkin' everyday

Ooh, ooh, oh
You got me loving the taste

Any time I'm on the road (Road)
Just tell me where to go
I'll be making sure you get there first (Ah)
I got dinner on the plate (Plate)
It's gonna have to wait
'Cause I'm going straight for my dessert

You're such a masterpiece
That's something we should celebrate
Tell me you'll never leave
'Cause I've been thinkin' everyday

Ooh, ooh, oh
You got me loving the taste

Ooh, wee, you're the highlight, highlight, no doubt (No doubt)

Touch me in the moonlight, moonlight, I'm down
Wake me with your lips on, lips on my mouth (My mouth, baby)
You got me loving the taste

R3HAB & August Moon - Taste (R3HAB Remix) Songtext

zu Taste (R3HAB Remix) von August Moon & R3HAB - Taste (R3HAB Remix) Lyrics August Moon & R3HAB - Taste (R3HAB Remix) Text August Moon & R3HAB - Taste (R3HAB Remix) Tekst piosenki Taste (R3HAB Remix) August Moon & R3HAB Taste (R3HAB Remix) Liedtext
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