ARTMANN - Only Us Text

Songtext zu Only Us

[Verse 1]
It started as a summer fling
Didn't see it happening
But somehow you drink coffee in my room
Four months in and I'm so glad
That you walked in, never turned back
Now I know my future's here with you

From the middle of the night to the start of the day
I wanna be with you, to the edge, all the way
There's nobody like you and there's nothing I'd like to change
From the middle of the night to the start of the day
Yeah, you make all the bad turn out okay

There's nobody like you and there's something I'd like to say

If we could have forever, that still ain't enough
'Cause how would forever fit all our love?
So I tend to hold you with all I've got
If we could have forever, nothing really matters
'Cause it's only us

[Verse 2]
I'm not always at my best
You keep me sane, you make me laugh
And I don't understand how I got you
You see everything that I don't see
Love my least favorite parts of me
You make me smile when my world fades to blue

From the middle of the night to the start of the day

I wanna be with you, to the edge, all the way
There's nobody like you and there's something I'd like to say

If we could have forever, that still ain't enough
'Cause how would forever fit all our love?
So, I tend to hold you with all I've got
If we could have forever, nothing really matters
'Cause it's only us, oh
'Cause it's only us, oh

With you it doesn't matter if I'm happy or upset
With you it feels like heaven and you fill in all the blanks
So nothing really matters when I only got us left
If we could have forever

If we could have forever, that still ain't enough
'Cause how would forever fit all our love?
So I tend to hold you with all I've got
If we could have forever, nothing really matters
'Cause it's only us, oh
'Cause it's only us, oh
'Cause it's only us, oh
If we could have forever, nothing really matters

ARTMANN - Only Us Songtext

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