Armin van Buuren & Hardwell - Follow the Light Text

Songtext zu Follow the Light

All the shadows that I follow in the night
Like a willow running wild in my mind
It carries me now 'cause I follow the light, I follow the light
I see it in your eyes, I follow the light, I follow the light
To get me through the night

I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
I follow the light
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
I follow the light


I follow the light, I follow the light
I see it in your eyes
I follow the light, I follow the light
To get me through the night
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
I follow the light
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
I follow the light

I follow the light, I follow the light
I see it in your eyes
I follow the light, I follow the light
To get me through the night

I follow you, I follow you, I follow you
I follow the light
I follow you, I follow you, I follow you

I follow the light
I follow the light

I follow the light
I follow the light

Armin van Buuren und Hardwell - Follow the Light Songtext

zu Follow the Light von Armin van Buuren & Hardwell - Follow the Light Lyrics Hardwell & Armin van Buuren - Follow the Light Text Follow the Light Armin van Buuren & Hardwell Follow the Light Liedtext
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