Armin van Buuren & David Guetta feat. Aldae - In the Dark Text

Songtext zu In the Dark

Lost in a sea of doubt
It's either breathe or drown
I really need you now, oh
I know that you'll be my lightning in the dark
Ups, downs, I've seen a million now
But I ain't scared of clouds, oh
'Cause I know you'll be my lightning in the dark
You'll be my lightning in the dark
You'll be my lightning in the dark

I believe in human nature
And the need for love

I believe that our mistakes are
Are what makes us us
In the eye of a hurricane
How did I ever change?
And I still believe in purpose
And a bigger plan
And I know what's on thе surface
Don't define a man
In thе eye of a hurricane
You were my saving grace

Healing is the destination
I'm still on my way
Keep the faith, no hesitation
Even when I'm lost

Lost in a sea of doubt

It's either breathe or drown
I really need you now, oh
I know that you'll be my lightning in the dark
Ups, downs, I've seen a million now
But I ain't scared of clouds, oh
'Cause I know you'll be my lightning in the dark

Lightning in the dark, lightning in the dark
Lightning in the dark, lightning in the dark
Lightning in the dark, lightning in the dark
You'll be my lightning in the dark

Armin van Buuren & David Guetta und Aldae - In the Dark Songtext

zu In the Dark von Armin van Buuren & David Guetta - In the Dark Lyrics Aldae & David Guetta & Armin van Buuren - In the Dark Text In the Dark Armin van Buuren & David Guetta In the Dark Liedtext
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