Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings - I Can't Hear It Now Text

Songtext zu I Can't Hear It Now

There is an ocean so dark down below the waves
Where you watch while these dreams gently float away
And there is a silence so soft it's only memory
Like the way your voice always sounds when you sing to me

But I can't hear it now
Just tell me how to keep breathing while pretending I'm not drowning
I don't know if I could
I watched a door close for good
'Cause I couldn't keep it open


I just watched as the door closed for good
'Cause I couldn't keep it open

Just tell me how to keep breathing whilе pretending I'm not drowning
I don't know if I could
I watched a door closе for good
'Cause I couldn't keep it open

Arcane, League of Legends Music und Freya Ridings - I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Songtext

zu I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) von Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings - I Can't Hear It Now Lyrics Freya Ridings & Arcane, League of Legends Music - I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Text I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Liedtext
Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings I Can't Hear It Now Letra de I Can't Hear It Now com Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings - I Can't Hear It Now Songtekst Arcane, League of Legends Music & Freya Ridings - I Can't Hear It Now (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Tekst
Album: Arcane League of Legends: Season 2 (Act 1) (2024)

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