Songtext zu Hero
Now the eyes of all generations are upon you.
The planet is dying, destroyed, sick of consumerism.
Most people don't even notice it.
We run out of time.
You can break this emotional blindness.
We do believe you will face the dark side.
Don't fail us...
There is no pill, that makes you free
You'd better know your enemy
Just keep the trust, then you will see
You will grasp what's going on
People suffer because of disrespect for nature, endless chasing, and competition. because of isolation...
You will figure out what's going on
Break the fears, awake
You are a hero, my friend
There is no better news to tell
You can find the source, reclaim yourself
You realize it's not a dream
The river flows straight to the sea
Your racing heart will break the lines to go on
And read the thoughts for now unknown
We do believe you can slow down, listen to your inner world and restore tenderness.
The change is coming...anyway
Amarok - Hero Songtext
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