Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Text

Songtext zu No Stoppin' This Train

[Verse 1]
I started dancing again the day I finally left you
And I started praying and saying Amen just to get through
I cleaned up my mess, all the pieces
Got my hair done, bought a new dress
Back on track, all fixed up and ready to run

Now there ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train
Now there ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train

I took the long way but I came back around
All of the hard days are over now, woo-hoo

Love is a fire burning in my heart
Got back my rhythm and once I start
There ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train

[Verse 2]
I've been walked all over but now I got someone to walk with
He loves when I drive and he don't really care where I've been
Lifts me up, helps me to win
Let's me be me in my own skin
Full steam ahead when I'm with him
And I love where we're going

I took the long way but I came back around
All of the hard days are over now, woo-hoo
Love is a fire burning in my heart
Got back my rhythm and once I start
There ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train, woo

Love is a fire burning in my heart
Got back my rhythm and once I start
There ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train

Now there ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train (Rollin', rollin', rollin' on)
Now there ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train (Rollin', rollin', rollin' on)
Now there ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train (Rollin', rollin', rollin' on)
Ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train

I took the long way but I came back around
All of the hard days are over now, woo-hoo
Love is a fire burning in my heart
Got back my rhythm and once I start
There ain't no stoppin', ain't no stoppin' this train, yeah
This train

Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Songtext

zu No Stoppin' This Train von Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Lyrics Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Text No Stoppin' This Train Alyssa Bonagura No Stoppin' This Train Liedtext
Alyssa Bonagura No Stoppin' This Train Letra de No Stoppin' This Train com Alyssa Bonagura Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Songtekst Alyssa Bonagura - No Stoppin' This Train Tekst
Album: Love Wins - EP (2024)

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