Alt-J - Chicago Text

Songtext zu Chicago

[Verse 1]
More together than alone
From a hill, we saw it rain on the town over
Torch to your chin lights your cheekbones
In that moment, I saw a likeness to our father

In American night, on that hill
In the night

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 2]
Pulled back to the night before

When the TV lit our brilliant, smiling faces
Torch hits your face before the fall
Panic in the eye is similar to breaking horses

(An apparition lifts me up!)

[Verse 3]
An apparition lifts me up
From its shoulders, I sit and see your face above the tree line
Your reassurances subtitled in American English
I am calm as we sail down the hillside

In American night, on that hill
In the night

Alt-J - Chicago Songtext

zu Chicago von Alt-J - Chicago Lyrics Alt-J - Chicago Text Chicago Alt-J Chicago Liedtext
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