Alison Yap - In This Moment Text

Songtext zu In This Moment

(Verse 1)
No matter where I go
Every time I look back on this road
You'll always be a part of who I am

Everything I've known
Every seed of greatness you have sown
Through good and bad
Your love has watched me grow

You teach me right from wrong
Inspire me to be strong

You care in every way
In my heart, you will always

Stay, in this moment let me
Say, how I'm grateful every day
You are here to guide my way
When I'm lost beside me stay

In this moment let me say
You turn my little into great
There's no fear, my dreams awake
With you

(Verse 2)
All that I can be
Means so much cause you believe in me
You show me how to live with dignity

When the lessons end

I can share with you just like a friend
Your loving smiles and frowns keep me safe

You teach me right from wrong
Inspire me to be strong
You care in every way
In my heart, you will always

Stay, in this moment let me
Say, how I'm grateful every day
You are here to guide my way
When I'm lost beside me stay

In this moment let me say
You turn my little into great
There's no fear, my dreams awake
With you


Stay, in this moment let me
Say, how I'm grateful every day
You are here to guide my way
When I'm lost beside me stay

In this moment let me say
You turn my little into great
There's no fear my dreams awake
With you

And I really want to say
Thank you

Alison Yap - In This Moment Songtext

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