Songtext zu I'm Trying
It's been a week and I can't tell you a thing I did
I can't sleep, all my friends they're worried again
It's a cycle I won't outgrow
I'm the punchline of some sick joke
I can't bring myself to leave home
But I'm terrified to be alone
I say that I'm fine but it feels like I'm dying
Why do the words in my head get so violent
Half of the time I'm just barely surviving
But I'm trying, I'm trying
No surprise that I'm not one for resolutions
Even in the best times, I'm too scared to smell the roses
It's a cycle I won't outgrow
I'm the punchline of some sick joke
I can't bring myself to leave home
But I'm terrified to be alone
I say that I'm fine but it feels like I'm dying
Why do the words in my head get so violent
Half of the time I'm just barely surviving
But I'm trying, I'm trying
Tryna be everything to everybody
I feel so much that I almost feel nothing
Half of the time I'm just barely surviving
I'm trying, I'm trying
I'm trying, I'm trying
Ohh yeah
I'm trying, I'm trying
I'm trying, I'm trying
I'm trying, I'm trying
Alexander Stewart - I'm Trying Songtext
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I'm Trying
Songtext von
Alexander Stewart
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