Alex Warren - Carry You Home Text

Songtext zu Carry You Home

Oh, I hope you know, I will carry you home
Whether it's tonight or fifty-five years down the road
Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go
Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know

[Verse 1]
We were talking to the sunset
Throwing dreams against the wall (Ah-ah-ah)
I know none of them have stuck yet
But I bet it on you, honey
Oh, I would risk it all


These days, these nights are changing
Mama, my mind is set on you
I'm not afraid to say it
To say it's true

Oh, I hope you know, I will carry you home
Whether it's tonight or fifty-five years down the road
Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go
Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know
In this and every lifе
I choose us every timе
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

[Verse 2]
We were California dreaming
Our whole life fit in that car (Ah-ah-ah)
Didn't have a bed to sleep in

We kept each other warm under a ceiling full of stars

These days, these nights are changing
Mama, my mind is set on you
I'm not afraid to say it
To say I do

Oh, I hope you know, I will carry you home
Whether it's tonight or fifty-five years down the road
Oh, I know there's so many ways that this could go
Don't want you to wonder, darling, I need you to know
In this and every life
I choose us every time
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh, I hope you know, I will carry you home
Whether it's tonight or fifty-five years down the road

Alex Warren - Carry You Home Songtext

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