Alesso & Nate Smith - I Like It Text

Songtext zu I Like It

I like it like that
She pour another shot and now we goin' back to back
I asked her if she wanted to dance, she like yeah
Tomorrow's gonna hurt, baby, I ain't even mad
I like it, I like it, I like it like that
She pour another shot and now we goin' back to back
I asked her if she wanted to dance, she like yeah
Tomorrow's gonna hurt, baby, I ain't even mad
I like it, I like it, I like it like that

[Verse 1]
Twenty dollars feelin' like a million
Stackin' up these bottles to the cеiling

Said she ain't the type to gеt attached
But I like it like that
They gon' make it double, cause they know me
Everywhere I go a little smokey
Said she ain't the one for movin' fast

I like it like that
She pour another shot and now we goin' back to back
I asked her if she wanted to dance, she like yeah
Tomorrow's gonna hurt, baby, I ain't even mad
I like it, I like it, I like it like that

I like it like that
I like it like that

[Verse 2]
Now she got her hands up on my Levi's

Talking 'bout how she live on the east side
Windows down and radio on blast
I like it like that
Ooh, baby
There's something special 'bout the way that you move, baby

I like it like that
She pour another shot and now we goin' back to back
I asked her if she wanted to dance, she like yeah
Tomorrow's gonna hurt, baby, I ain't even mad
I like it, I like it, I like it like that

I like it like that
I like it like that

Alesso und Nate Smith - I Like It Songtext

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