Alesso & Marshmello - Chasing Stars Text

Songtext zu Chasing Stars

[Verse 1]
It was just like magic
When your hips came crashin'
There were fire's burnin'
And my hands learning
To paint with passion
It was planets meeting
It was synced up breathing
There were angels callin' and more free fallin'
Than I believed in

Memories like freight trains hit me
I replay to keep you with me

Better to have had than not at all

We were chasing stars
Across the county lines
Two imperfect pieces
With our fingers intertwinеd
And I would do it all again
Knowing I'd be left behind
Oh, what a timе
Back when you were mine

[Verse 2]
Oh, I'm hurting
But I'm still certain
That when the pain comes back in waves
Yeah, it was worth it, yeah

Memories like freight trains hit me

I replay to keep you with me
Better to have had than not at all

We were chasing stars
Across the county lines
Two imperfect pieces
With our fingers intertwined
And I would do it all again
Knowing I'd be left behind
Oh, what a time
Back when you were mine

Oh, back when you were mine
Oh, we were chasing stars
Oh, we were chasing stars
We were chasing stars
Across the county lines
Two imperfect pieces
With our fingers intertwined
And I would do it all again
Knowing I'd be left behind
Oh, what a time
Back when you were mine

When you're mine
Back when you were mine
Back when you were mine
(Oh, when you were)
Back when you were mine
(Oh, when we were chasin' stars)
(Oh, when we were chasin' stars)
Back when you were mine

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