Alec Benjamin - The Arsonist Text

Songtext zu The Arsonist

I threw away the evidence and every little trace
By now, it should be evident that I'm the one to blame
I own the [?], it was I who lit the flame
And I flushed all of my matches down the drain

Oh, I know there's no excuse for what I did
So, the only thing I can do is admit

I was the arsonist
The one who burned us to the ground after the argument
Set fire to the room with our hearts in it
And though I said that you're the one who started it, I started it
I was the arsonist

And now I'll make it up to you for all the darkness
For everything I put you through, let me start with this
I started it
Now I build back that room with our hearts in it
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum

I'm siftin' through the rubbles and the ashes all around
Liftin' with my shovel as it crashes through the ground
I'm reminded that the trouble, all the trouble that surrounds
Is my fault and I'm here to fix it now

Oh, I know there's no excuse for what I did
So, the only thing I can do is admit

I was the arsonist
The one who burned us to the ground after the argument
Set fire to the room with our hearts in it

And though I said that you're the one who started it, I started it
I was the arsonist
And now I'll make it up to you for all the darkness
For everything I put you through, let me start with this
I started it
Now I build back that room with our hearts in it
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum

I'll pay the fine, do the time, leave that person behind
Burn away the past and move past all my crime

I was the arsonist
The one who burned us to the ground after the argument
Set fire to the room with our hearts in it
And though I said that you're the one who started it, I started it
I was the arsonist
And now I'll make it up to you for all the darkness
For everything I put you through, let me start with this
I started it
Now I build back that room with our hearts in it
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum
I was the arsonist
Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, da-dam-dum

Alec Benjamin - The Arsonist Songtext

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