Alanis Morissette - ​Reasons I Drink TEXT

​Reasons I Drink
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Songtext zu ​Reasons I Drink

[Verse 1]
These are the reasons I drink
The reasons I tell everybody I'm fine even though I am not
These are the reasons I overdo it
I have been working since I can remember, since I was single digits
Now, even though I've been busted
I don't know where to draw the line 'cause that groove has gotten so deep

And nothing can give reprieve like they do
Nothing can give a break for this soldier like they do


Here we are
I feel such rapture and my comfort is so strong
One more hit
It feels so helpful in my need for respite

[Verse 2]
And here are the reasons I eat
Reasons I feel everything so deeply when I'm not medicated
And so that's it, I am buying a Lamborghini
To make up for these habits, to survive this sick industry

Nothing can give reprieve like they do
Nothing can give me a break from this torture like they do

Here we are
I feel such rapture and my comfort is so strong
One more sip
It feels so helpful in my need for some long overdue respite

And these are the reasons I don't even think I would quit
And these are the reasons I can't even see straight
And these are the ones whom I know it so deeply affects
And I am left wondering how I would function without it

Here we are
I feel such rapture and my comfort is so strong
One more rip
I go from one lilipad to another to stay lit

Alanis Morissette - ​Reasons I Drink Songtext

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