Alan Walker x Pritam feat. Vishal Mishra - Children of the Sun Text

Songtext zu Children of the Sun

Chal diya
Chal diya
Jo Khwaabon ka kaarwaañ
Dikh raheeñ
Hamein jaana hai wahaan

When The light turns to night
We're The children of The SUN
Fight for less fight for more
Fight for everything we love

Yeah we are, we are, we are, we are
The children of The SUN
Here we are we're The ones
We're The children of The SUN

Sitar drop

Ki jhehlam ne hai na ruk pana
Paani waggda jaana
Hun chalde rehna
Na hai behna
Manzilaan tak jaana
Ki jhehlam ne hai na ruk pana
Eh Dil ni mannda nimaana
Hun Chadd hanera
Roshni da
Hai pataa labbna


When The light turns to night
We're The children of The SUN
Fight for less fight for more
Fight for everything we love
Yeah we are , we are , we are , we are
The children of The SUN
Here we are we're The ones
We're The children of The SUN

Sitar drop

Yippy, yippy kai,
Feeling traumatized,
I don't know my name,
But when I see the sky,
I'm in paradise, everything is alright
(We´re the children of the sun) x2

When everything fades in life, and you're feeling lost in time.
And all that you want is far and gone,
Know you had to be lost to find home

Vishal Mishra & Alan Walker x Pritam - Children of the Sun Songtext

zu Children of the Sun von Alan Walker x Pritam - Children of the Sun feat. Vishal Mishra Lyrics Alan Walker x Pritam - Children of the Sun feat. Vishal Mishra Text Alan Walker x Pritam & Vishal Mishra - Children of the Sun Tekst piosenki Children of the Sun Alan Walker x Pritam Children of the Sun Liedtext
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Children of the Sun Songtext von Alan Walker x Pritam feat. Vishal Mishra

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