A Constant Knowledge of Death - The Hallowed Castration of Throne Text

Songtext zu The Hallowed Castration of Throne

Knives out - sixteen blades for each eye
Passive conception of anguish
Tempting moths drawn to ordained flame
Absent mercy, only consequence

Knives out - clean and dress Their glacé flesh
Passive, systemic necropsy
Tempting wrath nigh amaranthine
Absent mercy, only consequence

I've been thinking
More and more - why was I born
In the teeth of a strip-tiller?

Constant churning
Spitting up nothing but flak
Erroneous animadversion

Further extirpated in isolation

If I could breach
These warped coulters
I would not plead for the axiomatic

I would grasp
For nothing less than the hilt
The biting tan, the fissured gray, palms read

Scraping raison d'être from culled derision

Bless us
None remain
To bring assuagement

None survive
To reap remission


A droning hum behind my eyes deepens
(Phoenix to ashes, ashes to granite)
As I bathe in fluorescence
These fibrous veils do little more than
Cast oblivion in a pale coral
Probing nystagmus against blind
Larvae begging for wings in kind
Shattered knees and osseous caves
Apostles culled, tarnishing grace
Stepping stones sink into the coil
A shattered brand: ouroboros
(Phoenix to ashes, ashes to torment)

Asserting dominance over my gasps
Stunted claws and broken fangs
Or so you'd think
(Knives out)

Left without a chance at transmigration
To find a path devoid of woe
I'll carve through You

Knives out
Knives out
Knives out
Bring me your faithful

Knives out
Knives out
Knives out
Bring me your justice

Knives out
Knives out
Knives out
Bring me your hallowed

Knives out
Knives out
Knives out
Knives out

Knives out - sixteen blades to feed
Active proliferation
Repulse every last lament
Dissecting a one-winged bird

A Constant Knowledge of Death - The Hallowed Castration of Throne Songtext

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