442oons - The Premier League Song 2017/18 Text

Songtext zu The Premier League Song 2017/18

Don't finish 6th this year! Good luck, break a leg!
If ye langers finish 6th again, I'll break yer fecking legs, alright?
Running from this lawyer and his "friend"...
I have proof you've "frozen" Costa out of the club!
I tasted the sweet perfume of the money bags I threw round...
Eh, we were younger then...
SECURITY! Please, get rid of these men!
I found Hart and loaned him here!
Please, try to save some shots this year!
We've not filmed a moaning vid in so long!
I know, he's grown!
Football's finally coming home!

We're on our way!
Driving with 90 million!
Sell you? No way!
Quit moving like a retarded dancer!
And we'll mis the way you play...£100m? Bye Phil!
The title we'll watch Son rise!
Watching Newcastle will make us more ill...
This is all your fault, man!

15?! Get sold, you ham roll! First choice - Lacazette!
Not for France! Sacre bleus, sexy Blues!
Running more and more on the training field!
Welcome, Jonathan! No placing bets!
This Friday is our opening night!
But my ankle is wrecked, and I've got a flight!
I need more men!
Rent boys?
No, players!
No to both!
No more taking pens!

We've signed Ince, Mounie and Mooy!
We've signed... erm... bearded Malfoy!
Me and my friends have now looked up for too long... oh, how he's grown!
Football's finally coming home!

We're on our way!
Driving at 90!
Home and away...
Park Jose's bus! Ha, ha! That's the answer!
And we'll miss the Lane, now we'll play at Wembley...
You'll get a pay-rise!
Damn you, Alexis and Ozil!
What about me?
Watching Newcastle will make us more ill...
This is all your fault, man!
Ed, can you please, PLEASE just sell Phil?

I'm pleased to announce the permanent transfer of the new Fab 4! And 648 other players I've never heard of!
One player signed just to sell clothes!
One club's going down on the south coast!
One has signed Loftus-Cheek on loan...
One new boss - a Pro Ev's "Fank de Mole"!
Schlong Terry's gone! Release the wives!
1 up-top... then a back 9!
(These people raised me! And I can't wait to go home!)

We're on our way!
He's yours for 40 million!
Sell me today! No way!
Jesus Christ! DAVID'S GOT CANCER!!!
Ed, get me Bale! Today!
£100m! Deal! We'll throw in Phil!
The title we'll watch Son rise!
Big thanks to Barca and to Phil!
Please, pray for David... he's terminally ill...

442oons - The Premier League Song 2017/18 Songtext

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