442oons - A-Z of Pele Text

Songtext zu A-Z of Pele

A is Athlete of the century, an honour bestowed by the IOC
B- Brazilian, born and bred
The best we've ever had!
Well, apart of Fred!
Charity - C, I have raised millions
For rainforests, hospitals and for young Brazilians!
D- dummy!
Oh my Lord!
The World Cup finals greatest goal never scored!
Edison is E, named after Mr. Elecricity!
A film "Escape To Victory"
A worldie vs the Nazi party!
G - goals, so many they lost track!

H - headers!
And an Iconic snap!

The King of Football, the King eternal
The one we crowned "O Rei"
The King has died, but his star still shines
Long live the King, Pele!

A knighthood presented by Queen Elizabeth!
Nelson Mandela presenting me The Laureus
Maradona - presenting his own show
A header or two by the football GOATs!
New York Cosmos - 37 goals!
In my final game we won the Soccer Bowl!
"O Rei", the King I was christened
Pele Day, the day I scored a thousand!
Q - quotes
Records, I have a few!
S - Santos, 4 goals on my debut!

T is ten, my iconic number!
U is UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador!
Remember my ads for compound V?
W - World Cups, I've got 3!
X marked the spot for the World Cup's youngest hero!
Meet "the white Pele", AKA Zico!

The King of Football, the King eternal
The one we crowned "O Rei"
The King has died...
Now it's selfie time!
Long live the King, Pele!

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