100 gecs - Frog On The Floor Text

Songtext zu Frog On The Floor

[Intro: Dylan Brady]
Frog on the floor
Where'd he come from?
Nobody knows
Where he'll go

[Verse 1: Dylan Brady]
He's been chillin' in the basement for a minute
I just think it's time we moved into the kitchen
Give him some space, and let him do his thing
Make him feel safe, and listen to him sing

[Chorus: Dylan Brady]

Frog on the floor
Where'd he come from?
Nobody knows
Where he'll go
Frog on the floor
Where'd he come from?
Nobody knows
Where he'll go

[Post-Chorus: Dylan Brady]

[Verse 2: Laura Les]
Hey, yeah, I heard you met my friend the other weekend
I heard that he was telling croaks at the party
And then he got on his front legs and did a keg stand
Wow, that's so cool, I wish that I was there so I could see it

And then the party got real still, and nobody made a sound
'Cause he was chasing flies around
And he was stuffing them in his mouth
Give him some space, he's still workin' it out
Give him some space, he doesn't know what people think about

[Chorus: Dylan Brady]
Frog on the floor
Where'd he come from?
Nobody knows
Where he'll go
Frog on the floor
Where'd he come from?
Nobody knows
Where he'll go

[Post-Chorus: Dylan Brady]
Oooh, mememememe

[Outro: Laura Les]
He gets the party jumping still
When he's jumping all around
He's not worried about the bill
He's just fuckin' around
Will you buy my friend a beer
If you see him jumpin' 'round?
'Cause he's got flies in his mouth
And he needs to wash 'em down

100 gecs - Frog On The Floor Songtext

zu Frog On The Floor von 100 gecs - Frog On The Floor Lyrics 100 gecs - Frog On The Floor Text Frog On The Floor 100 gecs Frog On The Floor Liedtext
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Album: 10,000 gecs (2023)

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